Tuesday, October 24, 2006

RIAA Balks at Producing Report of Hard Drive Inspection in UMG v. Lindor

Two and a half months after it made a "mirror image" of the hard drive of the computer in Marie Lindor's apartment, the RIAA has yet to produce its forensic expert's report on his inspection of the drive.

Although initially saying they would get the report to Ms. Lindor's lawyers by October 12th, the RIAA's lawyers now claim that the only deadline they need to concern themselves with is the December 31st discovery cutoff.

Ms. Lindor's lawyers have asked the Magistrate Judge to sanction the plaintiffs:

October 23, Letter of Ray Beckerman (Hard Drive Report)*
Attachments to October 23, Letter of Ray Beckerman (Hard Drive Report)*

* Document published online at Internet Law & Regulation

Commentary and discussion:
Digital Music Weblog

Keywords: digital copyright online download upload peer to peer p2p file sharing filesharing music movies indie label freeculture creative commons pop/rock artists riaa independent mp3 cd favorite songs


Alter_Fritz said...

1) I don't think Ray will speculate here publicly.
2) I will! ;-)
3) One comment (in german to be sure with respect to responsibility matters)

2) One posibility could be that their experts have so many HDD's to analyse (RIAA is terrorising tens of thousands of people with 1 or maybe even more HDD's to analyse) that they simple hadn't the time to do the Lindor one completely like they would so far.
Or they are pissed that their findings so far (what Rich is indicating that he has talked to Ray so far) do NOT help them to prove that the defendant Mrs. Lindor did anything against the copyrightlaw. And that's why they now play on time to make it harder for Ray to solve this case in favour of Mrs. Lindor.
What you can read from Rich's mails -I guess- is, that even the plaintiffs don't believe any longer that Mrs. Lindor is the alledged infringer and that plaintiffs want to tortu.. sorry; question a few other people that might have had access to the computer in question where they made the mirror image from.

3) comment in german: Man was für ein schleimiger Typ ist dieser RIAAanwalt Gabriel? Erst einen auf "klar wir können das zivilisiert ohne irgendwelche richterlichen Anordnungen regeln" machen, dann die Gegenseite hinhalten mit Entschuldigungen von wegen viel Arbeit und so, und dann jetzt in der letzten Mail so tun als ob es nie eine "gentlemenlike"-Absprache bezüglich Terminen gegeben hat ohne das ein Richter da ein Machtwort hätte sprechen müssen. Wie war das doch gleich nochmal mit den "Sharks"?!
Meiner Meinung nach unterirdischstes Niveau dieses RIAAanwaltes Gabriel. Das wird nur noch von diesem RIAAanwalt Krichbaum getoppt!

Also ich würde -angenommen, das das SS-center beim durchleuchten der Person die man um 3750$ "erpressen" will, einen Fehler macht und ein "Opfer" auswählt das arm ist, nix mehr zu verlieren aber dank liberaler Waffengesetze in den USA eine Knarre hat, ausflippt und diesen Mr. Gabriel voll Blei pumpt- diesem gut betuchten AnwaltsOpfer jedenfalls nicht eine einzige Träne nachweinen!
Oder wie Ray es aaO formuliert hat: I never know what the RIAA's going to do. What they should do is jump in the lake. Ray, das ist aber unfair den Fischen gegenüber! ;-) Es würde genügen wenn die RIAA(anwalts)typen und die "organisierte Musik" sich einen Strick nehmen würde! Die sind nutzlos im digitalen Zeitalter! Konsumenten und Künstler brauchen diese gierigen schleimigen Typen nicht mehr!

raybeckerman said...

My guess is they didn't like the report they got, so they made him go back and do it over.

Then they didn't like that report, so they made him do that one over too.

Etc., etc.

He's probably working on his sixth report trying to make them happy as they try to make a silk purse from a sow's ear.

Alter_Fritz said...

nearly 4pm in "RIAA-Richard's" office.
Isn't that a little bit late to first read the digital music weblog and after that take 4 and a half minute here with your Internetexploder to figure out what this crazy german means?
