Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Stanford Adopts Policy: Assume RIAA is Right

We've recently received a copy of Stanford University's new DMCA policy, which basically assumes that any complaint from the RIAA must be true:

May 11, 2007, DMCA Policy Statement, Stanford University*

* Document published online at Internet Law & Regulation

Commentary & discussion:

Ars Technica
Slashdot Blog
"Mistaken Goal: Where Student Affairs & Technology Meet"

Keywords: digital copyright online download upload peer to peer p2p file sharing filesharing music movies indie label freeculture creative commons pop/rock artists riaa independent mp3 cd favorite songs


DreadWingKnight said...

Why many feel that the RIAA and other related groups sould not be assumed to be correct

Scott said...

Stanford is a private university located in California's "Silicon Valley". Given that it probably has a few Left Coast media moguls and digital industrialists who contribute to its endowment, their policy is probably based more on expediency than principle.

Alumni should write to Stanford's President John Hennessy to share their thoughts about the school's unwillingness to protect its students from frivolous litigation.

AMD FanBoi said...

So much for teaching the value of critical thinking at Stanford. You're guilty, because the RIAA says so. Clearly someone high up in the administration was embarassed, hence this response.

One is left to wonder how they will verify that the infringing material was present in the first place, and removed in the second place. So far, these would seem to have the validity of a random takedown sent to YouTube by anybody.

Most interestingly, there isn't anything said here about turning over student identifying information to the RIAA. Or preserving it as long as the RIAA desires.

Sanji Himura said...

This is about money as far as I'm concerned. $100, $500, and $1000 just to reconnect to an internet network due to a phoney DMCA notice that the RIAA has sent for Standford to handle no questions asked.

There must be some litigation relief availible for students who have been falsely accused(99.9% of students), and under this policy, no such relief can be sought.

I wouldn't be surprised that a law suit would come of this.

Art said...

This is really unfair to the students. If someone dislikes you, all they have to do is invoke a DMCA takedown notice against you and you will be liable for the penalties regardless of whether the takedown notice has any merit. The costs that Stanford is referring to are caused by the actions of the MPAA/RIAA and not the students.

StephenH said...

I think you may want to contact Larry Lessig and Jennifer Sista Granick. They are partners of EFF, and I beleive Stanford should rethink this. Additionally, will stanford charge a student if a court case results in a "not guilty" verdict?

Mat said...

It's rather frightening that the RIAA shock & awe is working. By bombarding Stanford, they gave in. That just encourages a bully, folks...