Friday, February 25, 2011

Over 40,000 Does Dismissed In Copyright Troll Cases

[Thanks to boingboing for posting about this.]

The Electronic Frontier Foundation reports:

Over 40,000 Does Dismissed In Copyright Troll Cases

News Update by Eva Galperin

These have been some eventful weeks in the world of copyright trolling. Thousands of unnamed “John Does” in P2P file sharing lawsuits filed in California, Washington DC, Texas, and West Virginia have been severed, effectively dismissing over 40,000 defendants. The plaintiffs in these cases must now re-file against almost all of the Does individually rather than suing them en masse.
Complete article

Keywords: lawyer digital copyright law online internet law legal download upload peer to peer p2p file sharing filesharing music movies indie independent label freeculture creative commons pop/rock artists riaa independent mp3 cd favorite songs intellectual property portable music player Bookmark and Share

Monday, February 21, 2011

In new case, Arista v Frawley, defendant moves to dismiss

In a new case in Albany, against a SUNY Albany student, the defendant has moved to dismiss. The motion is presently pending.

Defendant's memorandum of law
RIAA's opposition memorandum of law
Defendant's reply memorandum of law

Defendant is represented by Richard A. Altman, of Manhattan.

Keywords: lawyer digital copyright law online internet law legal download upload peer to peer p2p file sharing filesharing music movies indie independent label freeculture creative commons pop/rock artists riaa independent mp3 cd favorite songs intellectual property portable music player Bookmark and Share

Appellate briefs filed in SONY v Tenenbaum

SONY BMG Music Entertainment v. Tenenbaum, where the RIAA appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, despite being awarded $2250 for each download, for a total of $67,500, and where Tenenbaum cross appealed on the ground that the $67,500 was excessive, in view of the actual damages being less than a dollar per download, the parties have filed their respective appellate briefs.

RIAA brief
Tenenbaum brief
Amicus Brief of Electronic Frontier Foundation
RIAA reply brief
Tenenbaum reply brief

Keywords: lawyer digital copyright law online internet law legal download upload peer to peer p2p file sharing filesharing music movies indie independent label freeculture creative commons pop/rock artists riaa independent mp3 cd favorite songs intellectual property portable music player Bookmark and Share

RIAA & US Dept of Justice file briefs in Capitol v Thomas

In Capitol Records v. Thomas-Rasset, the RIAA and the US Department of Justice have filed briefs opposing defendant's motion to reduce the jury's award of $1,500,000 -- or $62,500 per mp3 single downloaded.

RIAA's opposition brief
Department of Justice's opposition brief

[Ed. note. It should be noted that the RIAA's primary copyright litigation lawyers are now high ranking members of the US Department of Justice. -R.B.]

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Keywords: lawyer digital copyright law online internet law legal download upload peer to peer p2p file sharing filesharing music movies indie independent label freeculture creative commons pop/rock artists riaa independent mp3 cd favorite songs intellectual property portable music player Bookmark and Share