In UMG v. Lindor, Ms. Lindor has asked for an extension of time in which to conduct the interrogatories and depositions of plaintiffs' hard drive experts, due to the RIAA's delay in producing the hard drive report:
November 28, 2006, Letter of Ray Beckerman (Hard Drive Deposition Deadline)*
Attachment (Copy of August 3, 2006, Order)*
The RIAA opposed it unless they too could have an extension of the discovery cutoff to enable them to subpoena the computers of Ms. Lindor's son and nephew.
November 28, 2006, Letter of Richard L. Gabriel Requesting Mutual Extension of Discovery Cutoff*
Ms. Lindor opposed the RIAA's request for an extension of its own discovery cutoff:
November 28, 2006, Letter of Ray Beckerman Responding to RIAA Request*
* Document published online at Internet Law & Regulation
Keywords: digital copyright online download upload peer to peer p2p file sharing filesharing music movies indie label freeculture creative commons pop/rock artists riaa independent mp3 cd favorite songs
thats the right one I guess :-)
Thanks, alter, I fixed the broken link. Sorry about that.
to sum up Richies letter:
The plaintiffs are morons with regards to technology if they believe that a harddrive is attached to an internet account! So that claim in his letter is BS.
Harddrives are attached to computers.
plaintiffs are suffering of multiple personality disorder if they believe that two (2) persons (here: Gustav and Woody) can have one (1) harddrive at the same time.
As I was speculating earlier; Maybe Mr President Bush has the "hard drive that was attached to defendant's Internet account."
Hey RIAA-Richard make sure to choose next time a process server that knows the differences between apartment, private house and oval office.
I assume your clients know the address!
Dear jaded,
They have no evidence.
And they lack the integrity to admit they have no evidence.
RIAA Richard, who is the supervisor of all the cases nationwide, seems to be spending an awful lot of time on UMG v. Lindor.
All to nail a middle aged woman who works as a home health aide and who has never even used a computer.
Strange. Very strange. I think Mr. Richard has lost his way.
as you pointed out to the judge it's now 109 days (and counting) since the plaintiffs got their requested mirrorimage .
Judge Levy ordered that the inspection shall be done within a timeframe of 30 days in his August ruling.
Plaintiffs admitted that they have made the inspection already but that "they do not believe that it would make sense for them to serve [this report(s)]. (Gabriel's admitting of this fact in Nov. 28 letter, page 1 last paragraph)
Hello! Anybody at home in the plaintiffs and their lawyers offices? What do they think they are doing here?!
The judge didn't rule: "make your inspection, and if you don't like the results of your own expert(s), or if you think the results make no sense in your favour then forget my ruling and keep the results for your eyes only, not for the court nor the defendant and keep on in wasting my valuable courttime with your fishing for all the harddrives in the world."
I can't believe that RIAA-Richard and the plaintiffs can give the finger to the judge a la: "screw you judge, we are THE RIAA, and if we don't like our own experts report so we don't give it to you tiny judge, We are RIAA, we decide what to do, not you judge in this case!"
Of course Mr. Gabriel did not used exactly these words but the meaning result of his letter is the same.
So tell me, can they do it? Can they Really get away with this kind of attitude towards the US justice system?
Can't the Judge order them to hand over the results of the more then 100 days inspection time and then imprison some Label CEO's and their lawyers if the refuse to hand over the report?
If citizen journalist/bloggers * can go to jail for refusing to hand over some raw video footage why not the RIAAguys for refusing to hand over raw expert report data? Same justice for all or what?
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