Friday, January 26, 2007

Elektra v. Barker dismissal motion argued; parties now await decision

Tenise Barker's motion to dismiss the complaint in Elektra v. Barker was argued today (Friday, January 26, 2007) in Manhattan federal court, before Hon. Kenneth M. Karas.

After hearing both sides, the judge reserved decision.

None of the amici curiae asked to participate in the argument.

If you would like to order a transcript of the argument, here is a transcript request form:

Docket Entry. Oral Argument held. Decision reserved. Hon. Kenneth M. Karas*
Elektra v. Barker Jan. 26, 2007, argument, transcript request form*

* Document published online at Internet Law & Regulation.

Commentary & discussion:

English language:
Silicon Valley Media Law Blog
Trademark Blog

Other languages:

Heise Online

Keywords: digital copyright online download upload peer to peer p2p file sharing filesharing music movies indie label freeculture creative commons pop/rock artists riaa independent mp3 cd favorite songs


Anonymous said...

i need this decision asap. i am being blackmailed by the riaa. if the decision is against riaa, i'll tell them where they can put it.

John Newlin said...

Ray, if the judge finds in favor of the defendant, the RIAA will surely appeal. How much weight would this decision hold for other cases while the decision was being appealed?

raybeckerman said...

This will have tremendous weight. It will be the most important of the decisions. That's my prediction.